Never mix server memory

2022-12-06 12:00:24 334

The server is known for its stability, the memory is relatively large and can effectively run many tasks, coupled with the increase of network bandwidth, it can improve work efficiency. But the server's memory is very "exclusive" and cannot be mixed.

Server memory is different from desktop memory, but there are ECC and REG ECC two specifications, the first rule is pure ECC server dedicated memory, without data verification, and the second with data function, can effectively prevent data overflow, but the memory capacity is too small will also slow down the system process, and then there is a problem with program operation. Pure ECC memory seems to run faster, but security is not necessarily guaranteed.

To equip the server with a memory module, you must find a memory stick that matches the server brand, see whether it is an ECC memory module or a REG ECC memory module, but also see the brand, look at the frequency, look at the single and double sides, look at the narrow bar or the wide bar, generally not very well matched, especially when buying second-hand, it is not easy to match.

Generally speaking, the server's memory stick is only suitable for specific servers, other servers are not universal, the same brand of servers of the same model is good to say, if different brands are not easy to say, different models can not be mixed. When buying a server memory stick, you must pay attention and ask if your server model can be used, otherwise you will only buy a mismatch. There is also that even if the same model of server, the memory module has a wide version and a narrow version, which cannot be universal; There are single-sided and double-sided, and they cannot be universal; There are different brands of memory sticks, no matter how delicate and cheap, many of them cannot be universal.

Some server memory sticks wear thick "vests", which are of good quality at a glance, but they do not match their own servers, even if they look good, the quality is unreliable.

The key is that the server has a memory verification function, and the requirements for memory modules are relatively high, and they are not common to the same specification of memory modules like desktops, but have strict requirements. To buy server memory, you need to avoid some of the above pits, buy a memory stick of the same model and specification as the server, and the moment it lights up, it is well matched.


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